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December 30, 2003
Macedonian Human Rights Activist Harassed Entering Bulgaria

October 15, 2003
The Macedonian Minority in Bulgaria - MHRMC Report to the OSCE 2003 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

October 10, 2003
Каде е македонското малцинство во Бугарија?

May 14, 2003
ECRI Meeting with Macedonian Organizations in Bulgaria
ЕКРИ имаше средба со македонските организации во Бугарија

April 21, 2003
Macedonian Organizations in Bulgaria Hold United Commemoration in Honour of Jane Sandanski Without Police Interference

April 21, 2003
Macedonia and Bulgaria Have Different Pasts, But They Have the Same Views for the Future

April 8, 2003
Bulgarian Prime Minister Acknowledges Existence of Macedonian Minority in Bulgaria

April 7, 2003
Macedonian Minority Organizations in Bulgaria Unite
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