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The Recognition of the Macedonian Minority in Bulgaria
June 9 , 2008
- 2 cases against Bulgaria
- Cases concerning the dissolution of a political party and to register refusal of an association aiming to achieve "the recognition of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria"
59489/00 United Macedonian Organisation Ilinden - Pirin and others, judgment of 20/10/2005, final on 20/01/2006
59491/00 United Macedonian Organisation Ilinden and others, judgment of 19/01/2006, final on 19/04/2006
The Deputies,
1. recalled the Committee of Ministers' decision adopted at their 1007th meeting (15-17 October 2007) (DH);
2. underlined that the outstanding issues regarding individual measures, in particular those related to certain grounds relied upon to reject the last registration request of UMO Ilinden-Pirin, and invited the Bulgarian authorities to continue to examine possible solutions in co-operation with the Secretariat;
3. noted in this respect that the applicants indicated their intention to lodge a new request for registration and invited the Bulgarian authorities to keep the Committee of Ministers informed of developments in this matter;
4. took note of the applicants' complaints in the case of UMO Ilinden-Pirin concerning investigations carried out in respect of a number of their members and the answers provided by the Bulgarian authorities on this subject;
5. took note with interest of various training activities relating to freedom of association and freedom of assembly organised by the Bulgarian authorities with the participation of the Council of Europe, with the aim of raising the awareness of the competent authorities concerning the requirements of the Convention and the judgments of the European Court in these fields;
6. noted that additional awareness-raising activities are under way and encouraged the Bulgarian authorities to pursue their efforts, in co-operation with the Council of Europe, in this respect;
7. decided to resume consideration of all the measures necessary for the implementation of these judgments at the latest at their 1043rd meeting (2-4 December 2008) (DH).
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1028th DH meeting - 5 June 2008
Section 4.2
- 2 cases against Bulgaria
- Cases concerning infringements of the freedom of assembly of organisations which aim to achieve "the recognition of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria" and of their members
44079/98 United Macedonian Organisation Ilinden and Ivanov, judgment of 20/10/2005, final on 15/02/2006
46336/99 Ivanov and others, judgment of 24/11/2005, final on 24/02/2006
The Deputies,
1. noted with interest the different training activities relating to freedom of association and freedom of assembly organised by the authorities with the participation of the Council of Europe, aiming at raising the awareness of the competent authorities of the requirements of the Convention and of the judgments of the European Court in this field;
2. took note of the information provided by the Bulgarian authorities on the state of progress of the draft law amending the Law on Meetings and Marches and invited the authorities to provide a copy of this draft law, as well as an estimated time-frame for its adoption;
3. also invited the Bulgarian authorities to continue to keep the Committee of Ministers informed of the applicants' present situation concerning the exercise of their freedom of assembly;
4. decided to resume consideration of all the measures necessary for the implementation of these judgments at the latest at their 1043rd meeting (2-4 December 2008) (DH).
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